Online social computing such as blogs, wikis, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Google, etc., are part of our everyday life and are transforming the way we interact both within and outside our company.
At MARLIN, we see social computing platforms as a means to help us accomplish our mission by enhancing the quality of service and relationship with our customers and by extending our connection with other professionals. We encourage every member of the company to share their insights and expertise gained through their work at MARLIN by becoming engaged in conversations at online social computing platforms which will help to reinforce MARLIN awareness and value.
This document is intended to provide insight regarding the company’s general guidelines concerning the use of social media by its employees. Please make sure you understand and follow these guidelines.
Be aware of boundaries: Since boundaries between professional and personal information are not always very clear on social media platforms, please keep in mind that once a piece of information is published online it will be of public access.
Be consistent: What you post will reflect you, so be consistent with the way you would wish to portray yourself to friends, family, colleagues and clients.
Always ask when unsure: If you are unsure whether certain content is appropriate to share online, ask the marketing and communications team. If you have doubts, don’t post it. It’s better to be safe than sorry.
Keep in mind that you are always personally responsible for your words and actions, even online. Please make sure that, when you participate in social media, you are speaking as an individual and not on behalf of the company.
Always identify yourself when you write, use the first person singular and state when it’s your personal opinion versus the company opinion. For your personal social media life, you can use the following disclaimer “The views expressed on this blog/Web Site are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of MARLIN.
Write about what you know. Stick to your area of expertise and provide unique, individual perspective on what’s going on at MARLIN and in the world.
Understand privacy settings on outposts. We don’t expect that all your social media networks will be work-related, but we do expect that you keep the items you share with your close personal friends separate from what you share with your work colleagues.
Be yourself. Never impersonate someone else, or purposely obscure your identity. Build your own reputation. Care about what you are talking about. By identifying yourself as a MARLIN employee, you are creating perceptions about your expertise. Be sure that all content associated with you is consistent with your work.
Be clear, but not defensive. Be polite and professional, especially when you disagree with someone. You should maintain appropriate conduct, care about what you are writing, and add value to conversations.
Mistakes happen. Let the team help you fix your mistakes. Most of the time, admitting your mistake and moving on is enough. When it isn’t, the team can come together to find a solution to any problem.
Always keep learning. This space is fast-moving and ever-evolving. Stay in touch with the industry. Read blogs, articles, news feeds, etc. then add responses or write an article/blog with your thoughts. Read more than you write. Ask questions. Link to others and always build relationships.
Confidentiality and Privacy, Copyrights
Protect the privacy of your coworkers and MARLIN. Don’t share confidential information and contents.
Respect intellectual property and copyrights. Act within the laws and regulations, respect intellectual property and never use copyrighted material without permission. Always attribute when quoting someone and make sure images are shareable. Keep also in mind that, even if a document is not copyrighted, you cannot use it without permission. Please be sure to follow all guidelines when citing any research content and do not hesitate to contact the marketing team if you have any doubt about it.
If you want to use the MARLIN image, be sure to contact the marketing team for approval. And always respect the identity and guidelines of the company.
If you have any further questions about our social media policy, please contact us.
Last updated: June 1, 2018